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Friday, January 28, 2011

Tea and its benefits

Tea is a widely consumed beverage across the world. It is an integral part of everyday societal life.  Not only is tea a nature’s wonder herb, but a stimulant, too. Of late, this herb has been receiving a lot of attention from the media. Tea has existed since centuries in countries like China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka. Its potentiality in promoting health has received world-wide attention.People across the globe are turning to this ancient herb to re-discover its magical benefits. This herb contains protective, anti-oxidant and revitalizing properties. Today it is cultivated across the world especially in tropical and subtropical regions

Latin name – Camellia sinensis
Sanskrit Name – Shyamparni/Chaha
The degree of processing of this plant determines whether the tea would be green, black or red variety.
  • Green Tea: It is the least processed amongst all the available varieties of teas. It is simply steamed quickly before packaging.
  • Black Tea: It is partially dried, crushed and fermented.
  • Red Tea: It is similar to the black tea wherein partial drying, crushing and fermentation processes are carried out.
But the most popular varieties as are:
a) Black Tea
b) Green Tea
The major constituents of tea that contributes in establishing its distinctive identity as a beverage include caffeine, Poly-phenols and essential oil, theanine (an amino acid unique to tea), vitamins, minerals, and methyl-xanthines. Pantothenic acid and riboflavin are active principles present in its leaves. Kaempferol and Quercetin are active principles present in the fresh leaves and green tea. It contains fluoride essential for strong teeth. and contains half the amount of caffeine found in an equally-sized cup of coffee. It is devoid of calories – which is Good News for Health Conscious individuals!!!
Recent research has depicted anti-oxidant properties (i.e. cancer fighting properties) in the herb-especially Green Tea. Extensive clinical research studies have been conducted to establish its efficacy.

Benefits of Drinking Herbal Tea:
  • As a beverage and a stimulant
  • Helps to fight against mutagenic agents i.e it contains anti-oxidant properties that prevents cancer.
  • Helps to curb high blood pressure
  • Prevents viral and bacterial infections in individuals
  • Helps in delaying ageing process in individuals  
  • Helps in improving and regulating the functions of the digestive and excretory systems.
  • Helps to prevent occurrence of blood clots
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol levels
  • Helps in neutralization of enzymes that aid in the growth of tumors
  • Helps to stimulate the immune system of an individual
Today, as part of this series, we present a recipe on how to prepare Herbal Tea from Chamomile herb which has been described below:
Chamomile Herbal Tea
Ingredients1 ounce chamomile (Babunphool/Babuna)
2/3 ounce peppermint
1 ounce caraway seeds (Aniseed/Saunf)
2/3 ounce angelica (Babhool)
Use 1 teaspoon of the mixture per cup of hot water. Steep this mixture 10 minutes and strain.
Caution:  Never give an infant or young child a medicinal tea with peppermint in it. The menthol in the peppermint could have a reverse reaction.

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