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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Easy Ways to Stop Smoking

Medical practitioners all over the world have been constantly appealing to smokers to give up the habit for many years. These scientists have given scientific proofs of how injurious cigarette smoking is on the body of the smoker as well as for the other people inhaling the smoke. Despite this, various medical surveys indicate an increasing number of deaths due to the various diseases caused by tobacco smoking. Many smokers seem to search for the answer to the question – how to stop smoking the easy way. Though the easy way to quit smoking is available, it takes a lot of guts and determination to achieve success from these methods. Let us discuss some of the easiest ways to stop smoking.

Ways to Quit Smoking Easily

An easy way to stop smoking is to be very strong mentally and keep reminding yourself about your desire to quit smoking. You should try to quit smoking in steps and not all of a sudden as this can have many side effects on your body and health. Try to reduce the number of cigarettes slowly. For example, if you are used to smoking five cigarettes, then reduce them to four in a week, to three after two weeks, to two again after a couple of weeks and then finally try to quit the habit permanently. By doing this, you will be allowing your body to adjust with the changes occurring due to quitting of this habit. You can join a de-addiction center or engage yourself in doing something creative which you really like, at the time you feel like smoking. You can always request your family members to help you in your quest to quit smoking.
According to medical reports, many smokers have benefited from therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy and acupressure to quit the habit of smoking. Many health professionals suggest the laser therapy, which involves the administration of the laser points to those parts of the body which are related to the addiction of smoking. The urge and the desire to smoke can be reduced considerably by the use of natural ways to quit smoking such as the herbs, Korean ginseng, lobelia, garcinia and cambogia.
Hypnotherapy, in which the smokers are subjected to hypnotism to increase their will power to quit smoking is also considered to be an effective way of dealing with this problem. There are medicines available, such as varenicline and bupropion, which play an important role in controlling the urge for smoking. Varenicline has the ability of blocking the receptors of nicotine in the brain. Because of this characteristic of the medicine, the affinity of a person for smoking decreases. Another useful way can be the nicotine replacement therapy, which involves giving very small amounts of nicotine to the blood of the user in the form of nicotine gums, nicotine sprays or nicotine patches. This therapy can help curb the supply of harmful and poisonous gases and tar to the body. Wellbutrin or Zyban is well known to successfully reduce the craving for cigarette smoking and so is Chantix.
Taking some useful tips from the people who have successfully quit smoking would be really very advantageous for you. You can always try to implement the methods which were used by that person for your benefit. You can also explain giving examples, how smoking has ruined the lives of people to make the smokers understand the seriousness of the issue.

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