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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Going Natural with Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green Tea

When you feel that its time to shed some weight a number of options will go through your mind- exercise, diet, fasting, pills and so on. Here we discuss another excellent natural option with no known side effects – the green tea.  More and more people go for green tea as an effective remedy for excess body weight.

How does green tea help to reduce weight?
It is scientifically proven that green tea burns extra calories and impedes fat  absorption in human body. Green tea contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) which stimulates metabolism and that results in weight loss. The combined effect of EGCG and caffeine causes release of fat into the blood stream which the body uses as fuel for various activities.

This process referred to as ‘thermogenesis’ ultimately leads to losing weight. This also helps in another way- by providing more energy to exercise more.

How is green tea different or more effective than other tea varieties.
Like green tea, black tea and oolong tea are produced from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. The major difference is that for green tea, leaves are not fermented before steaming and drying. Compared to other varieties, green tea has the highest concentration of catechin polyphenols, which accelerate fat oxidation and thermogenesis.

Right amount of intake for desired results
slimming green teaMaking green tea a part of your life is not that difficult. It’s just adding green tea to your daily diet. You can drink green tea instead of tea or coffee, before and after the meals. But in order to get the maximum results you must drink at least four to six cups. If you don’t like the flavor, you can add green tea concentrate to other food items and have it. Green tea capsules and pills are also available in the market.

Loose weight with green tea

Other health benefits of green tea
For thousands of years, green tea has been used as a health drink in many parts of the world. Besides aiding weight loss green tea is scientifically proven to reduce high blood pressure, lower blood sugar and cholesterol and fight cancer. Recent studies have shown that catechins- the powerful antioxidants contained in the green tea fight viruses, slow aging and destroy free radicals which cause cancer, heart disease etc.

The best advantage of green tea is its ability to burn calories. All those weight loss aspirants out there can give green tea a shot at shedding those extra pounds.

Now if you are hoping to read that few cups of green tea will make you lose 10-15 pounds in a month, then you can discontinue reading. You should accept the fact that there is no way to lose a lot of fat in a very short span of time. Even if you lose some pounds fast by crash dieting etc. then you will surely put all that weight back on in no time.

Pick organic green tea which is low in caffeine or else you may experience anxiety, sleeplessness etc.
A well balanced diet and a good workout routine is very essential to lose weight. If you think that you can have about 10 cups of green tea daily and have all the unhealthy foods you like and still lose weight, then you have got it completely wrong. You will have to change your sedentary lifestyle, eat healthy and add few cups of green tea to your daily habits for efficient weight loss. So switch from tea and coffee to green tea for better health and to lose weight.

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