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Friday, January 28, 2011

Mango Juice

English name:Mango
Botanical name:Mangifera indica
Hindi name: Aam
Sanskrit name:Aamra
Tamil name:Mampazham 

Indications:Extremely beneficial to consume during following conditions :
  • Constipation
  • Excessive thirsty condition
  • Cancer 
  • Heart diseases
  • Anaemia
  • Pregnancy 
  • Mental weakness
  • Stress


  • Relieves Vata, increases pitta & kapha 
  • Hot in potency
  • Removes toxins
  • An aphrodisiac
  • Rich in carotene, niacin, & vitamin C
  • Invigorates nerve tissues
  • Energises the body
  • Improves complexion


Mango – 1 fruit
Water – quantity sufficient
Palm Sugar – 3 spoons full
Yoghurt – 1 cup 

1. Remove the skin and seed of Mango.
2. Blend the pulp of mango in a mixer to make it juice.
3. Add required amount of water.
4. Stir well after adding palm sugar.


Vata – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of air and ether. This functional unit is characterized by movement, coldness, lightness and dryness in the body. When imbalanced it produces pain in various parts of the body.

Pitta – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of fire and water. This functional unit is characterized by heat, temperature and digestion in the body. When imbalanced it produces heat and burning sensation in the body.

Kapha – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of earth and water in our body. It is characterized by fluidity, strength and nourishment. When imbalanced it produces heaviness and phlegm in the body

Doshas – Literally that which can go out of balance. Bodily humor 

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