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Saturday, May 14, 2011

the merriest of all colors.

ŽUTA: je najsvjetlija boja, vesela i topla simbolom je sreće i uspjeha. Živahna, energična, radosna i vesela ona na našu psihu djeluje poticajno. Žuto ispoljava toplinu, nadahnjuje, puna je životne snage i to je najveselija od svih boja. Žuto nagovještava komunikativnost, prosvjećenost i duhovnost. Ukoliko Vam je omiljena žuta boja to upućuje da s veseljem iščekujete budućnost, da ste intelektualni i veoma domišljati.

YELLOW: the lightest color, cheerful and warm is the symbol of happiness and success. The lively, energetic, joyful and cheerful it on our psyche has a stimulating effect. Yellow expresses warmth, inspiring, full of vitality and it is the merriest of all colors. Yellow indicates communication, enlightenment and spirituality. If your favorite color to yellow indicates that eagerly wait for the future, you're very intellectual and clever.

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