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Friday, May 6, 2011

knitting clock by Siren Elise Wilhelmsen

Riječ je o satu koji mjeri vrijeme na trodimenzionalan način, dakle, svako pomicanje kazaljke, sekunda, minuta i sati, ujedno je i pomicanje mehanizma koji od klupka i pletaćeg mehanizma pomiče vunene očice.  Sat plete 365 dana u godini, 24 sata dnevno, a rezultat na kraju godine je dvometarski šal koji na ovaj način vrijem čini opipljivim fenomenom.

It is knitting the hours and the days and shows the time as something that is constantly moving, changing and developing.Every passing of a half hour is marked by the  knitting of mesh,a full day is registered as one round around the clock and a year results in an 2 meter long scarf.The year that has pased is the year*s scarf.

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