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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Advantages of Homeschooling

Homeschooling has been a controversy since it’s rising in Indonesia several years ago. Many people consider it as ineffective way of education. But in fact, home schooling gives the families more advantages than the ordinary formal schools. Here are some of the advantages:

First, most of homeschooled students have educational freedom. They are free to choose what they want to study at anytime and anywhere they want. It doesn’t mean that they don’t learn the basic materials, but the materials are given depends on the students’ ability, maturity and interest level. They can progress quickly or slowly, according to their abilities.

Secondly, homeschooling enable the parents and the kids to be flexible in their schedule. They will find a kind of physical freedom when they are no longer revolving the school hours, homework, or the school calendar. They have more chance to have more vacations and visit parks or museums every week.

Besides, the homeschooled students also have emotional freedom since they spend time in a diverse, real world environment and they are free of peer pressure, competitions, boredom, or bullies; which often happen in the formal schools today.

The families also get a religious freedom, because homeschooling provides the opportunity for them to incorporate their beliefs into their daily lives. Parents can transmit their values to children and shelter them from negative influence.

One of the most advantageous points of homeschooling is it creates a closer relationship between the parents and the children. Its flexibilities help the family trough their difficult times, such as when they move from a city to another, a new baby, an illness, a death in the family, or another obstacle.

Finally, the homeschooled students have more time to rest. Early classes in formal schools are devastating for some students, especially for those who are not morning people. Homeschooling enables the students to study anytime they want.

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