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Friday, November 27, 2009

Orange & Saffron Chicken Tagine

adapted from a cooks illustrated recipe

You can make this in a dutch oven if you don't have a Tagine


1/4 tsp. saffron threads
5 tsp. garlic, pressed
1 1/4 tsp. paprika
3 orange zest strips (2 inches long each)- use a vegetable peeler to remove the wide strips of zest.
1 chicken, cut up, (split breasts cut in half, drumsticks, thighs)
Salt, to taste
fresh ground pepper, to taste
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, halved and sliced 1/4 inch thick
2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch coins
2 cups gluten free chicken broth
1/2 cup Moroccan olives
2 Tbsp fresh mint, minced
1/3 cup fresh squeezed orange juice (juice from one orange)


1. combine the saffron, 4 tsp. of garlic and paprika in a small bowl, set aside.

2. Mince 1 strip of the orange zest and mix with the remaining pressed garlic and set aside.

3. Pat the chicken dry and season with salt & pepper. Heat oil in the Tagine (or dutch oven) over med-high heat until just smoking. Brown half the chicken on both sides, 5 to 8 minutes per side, reducing heat if necessary (cover with a splatter guard if you are using a Tagine) . Transfer chicken to a plate and repeat with remaining chicken. Transfer chicken to a plate again.

4. Pour off all but 1 Tbsp fat from the Tagine. Add onion, remaining orange zest strips and 1/4 tsp. salt and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the onion is softened (5-7 minutes). Stir in the garlic spice mixture and cook about 30 seconds, stir in carrots and broth, scraping up any brown bits.

5. Bring the drumsticks and thigh pieces back to the Tagine & simmer. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes, then add the breast and wing pieces, cover again and simmer for about 30 minutes (or until all of the chicken is cooked through, -dark meat at 170-175 and the white meat at 160-165 with an instant read thermometer)

6. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish and tent loosely with foil.

7. Skim off any fat on top of the Tagine liquids, add the olives & simmer 4 minutes. Stir in the garlic/orange-zest mixture, mint & orange juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve.

8. Serve with brown rice.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chirstmas 'n stuff...

Making Christmas stuff for my Etsy shop, the Craft Faire at church and to give as hostess gifts, etc.  Pot holders are flying out of my sewing room.   As for the aprons,  I really have a hard time.  I did find one tutorial that works pretty on Fabrotopia's site...click here to go to site and download instructions.   I can't wear hats and I can't put together an apron.  Just better move on.  

There is a new design for my wristlets.  I have altered Leah Williams' pattern from over at Sew Spoiled and added a cuff on the top.  This make installing the zipper a real snap for me and looks kind of cute.

And this is my favorite fabric....I know someone who would look stunning carrying this, maybe on New Year's Eve.   Lately the fabrics are getting more interesting to experiment with....ultra-suede is fabulous.  The Asian style fabric shot with gold is stunning, and I have some cranberry poly-satin that makes a yummy wristlet. 

I have uploaded these to Flikr, and my friends over there seem to like the design and use of fabric.  Gives me some incentive  to play more.  So, I guess I will offer a couple of these for sale in my shop and see what takes off.  Wish me luck.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The 10 cent Diet Gluten Free, Naturally - the cookbook!

Well I finally made the cookbook. Blurb has an option to transfer information from Blogger so I chose to do it that way. I had a couple friends ask me like a hundred times to make this so I did. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Easy Veggie soup

We started our soup with some Turkey Stock that we had in the freezer from Canadian Thanksgiving. You could use homemade chicken stock or vegetarian soup stock as well.


4 cups gluten free soup stock
2 medium carrots, chopped small
2 baby bok choy, chopped, with greens separated from the white stalks
2 handfuls of shiitake mushrooms sliced, hard stems removed and discarded (save them for your next soup stock)
1 small bell pepper, seeds removed and chopped into small bite size pieces
1 small onion, chopped fine
1 Tbsp. fresh ginger, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 scallions, greens only, chopped for garnish
salt, to taste
fresh ground pepper, to taste
crushed red chili peppers, to taste
fresh lemon wedges for serving

1 cup Brown Rice- cooked according to the package instructions


1. Cook the brown rice according to the package instructions.

2. Heat stock in soup pot over medium heat, add ginger, garlic and chopped onion. When the soup begins to boil, add the carrots, shiitake mushrooms, bell peppers and Bok Choy stalks. Turn heat down to simmer and cook until vegetables are sufficiently done. (add some water if you need too) Salt to taste, add crushed red pepper. Adjust seasonings until satisfied, Stir in the bok choy greens at the last minute.

3. Scoop some brown rice into individual serving bowls, ladle vegetable soup over top. Garnish with scallion pieces and serve with lemon wedges for a little squeeze of freshness.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Easy Chicken Curry for 1

2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1/4 tsp. cumin seeds
1 bay leave
2 cardamom pods
2 black peppercorns
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1 medium potato, washed, cut into cubes and parboiled for about 10 minutes.
1 tsp. salt
1 boneless skinless chicken breast. cut into large pieces

1/2 Tbsp. fresh ginger chopped very very fine
3 cloves garlic, chopped very very fine
1 tsp. ground coriander
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. ground turmeric
1 tomato, chopped until nearly smooth
1 cup gluten free chicken stock (or water)
ground cinnamon for garnish
chopped fresh cilantro for garnish


1. Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet and add the whole spices. When they crackle, add the onions and fry over medium heat until they are brown. Stir in the parboiled potatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Add the salt then the chicken. Cook for 5 minutes until the chicken is lightly browned.

2. Add the ginger, garlic, ground coriander, cumin, chili powder and turmeric. Cook for another 6 minutes, stirring constantly, until the spices begin to release their aromas. Stir in the tomatoes and cook for another 4 minutes. Then add the stock & bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until chicken is cooked through.

3. Adjust seasonings to taste, sprinkle with ground cinnamon, and chopped cilantro.

4. Serve with brown basmati rice and mango chutney.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is literature, what is a text?

In most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written text can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the words. Some people define literature as the art of written works.

Etymologically, the Latin word ‘litteratura’ is derived from ‘littera’ (letter), which is the smallest element of alphabetical writing. The word text is related to ‘textile’ and can be translated as ‘fabric’, since as single threads form a fabric, words and sentences form a meaningful and coherent text. The origins of the two central terms are not of great help in defining literature or text; it’s just derived us to look at literature or text as cultural and historical phenomena and to investigate the conditions of their product.

Literary production is certainly the human wishes to leave behind a trace of oneself through creative expression, which will exists detached from the individual and therefore, outlast its creator. The earliest remain of this creative wish are prehistoric paintings in caves, which hold ‘encoded’ information in the form of visual signs. Not only the visual, but also the acoustic element, the spoken word, is an integral part of literature, for the alphabet translates spoken words into signs. Before writing developed as a system of signs, ‘text’ was passed on orally. Audio-literature and the lyrics of songs display the acoustic features of literary phenomena.

Genre, text type and discourse

Literary criticism resorts to the concept of evolution (development) and to criteria of classification to distinguish various genres. The term genre usually refers to one of the three classical literary forms; epic, drama or poetry. Although this old classification is still in use, the tendency today is to abandon the term epic and introduce prose, fiction or prose fiction for the relatively young literary forms of the novel and short story.

Text type refers to highly conventional written documents which cannot be categorized under the canonical genres of fiction, drama and poetry; such as instruction manuals, sermons, obituaries, advertising texts, catalogues, and scientific/scholarly writing.

Discourse is used as a term for any kind of classifiable linguistic expression. It has become a useful denotation for various linguistic conventions referring to areas of content and theme. The classifications for these forms of linguistic expression are based on levels of content, vocabulary, syntax, as well as stylistic and rhetorical elements. Whereas the term of text type refers to written documents, discourse includes written and oral expression.

Primary and secondary sources

Traditional literary studies distinguish between the artistic object or primary source and its scholarly treatment in a critical text, or secondary source. Primary sources denote the traditional objects of analysis in literary criticism, including texts from all literary genres, such as fiction, poetry or drama. While the term secondary source is applied to texts which are published primarily in scholarly journals such as articles or essays, book reviews and notes (brief comments on a very specific topic).

In terms of content, secondary literature tries to uphold those standards of scholarly practice which have, over time, been established for scientific discourse, including objectivity, documentation of sources and general validity. The readers have to be able to check and follow the arguments, results and statements of literary criticism.

The scholarly documentation of the sources should permit the reader to refer back to the original texts and thus make it possible to compare results and judge the quality of the interpretation.

A number of formal criteria have evolved in literary criticism which can be summarized in term critical apparatus, which includes some elements: footnotes/endnotes, providing comments on the main text or references to further secondary or primary sources; a bibliography (or list of works cited); and, possibly, an index.

Forms of Secondary Sources

Publishing Media

Essay (article)



Anthology (collection essays published): compiled by one or several editors on a specific themes

Book Review

Festschrift: anthology which is published in honor of a famous researcher

Review Article



Formal Aspect of Secondary Literature

Aspects of Content




Lucid arguments


General validity of thesis


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I made it for me...

I got some suede cloth online as well as some satiny home dec striped fabric.  I made this bag and I will  not give it up.  It was an adventure sewing with the fabrics and making the bias piping.  But I had to have it.......a bag just like this and the only way to have one was to make it myself.  Here is the finished product.  I need to say I this the best of all and I will never sell it! Never....made it for me! is the inside....ohhhhh! Yum!
Well...that said, I guess I should show and tell my other new creation....

This is a heavy, satiny fabric with one of my favorite black and white prints.  Perfect for a New Year's party with a little black dress and some garnet beads!  Speaking of beads.....an Etsy seller(BlueMoonBaubles) emailed me and wanted to trade beads for a wristlet from my Etsy shop.  It really worked out...her she made me twelve zipper pulls for one wristlet.   About $1 each.  Good trade.
Good night!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ayo Menulis

Menulis merupakan satu dari sekian banyak tradisi peradaban manusia yang telah diwariskan sejak dulu. Dimulai dari sejak masa manusia purba pada permulaan masa sejarah (masa sejarah sendiri berarti masa setelah manusia mengenal tulisan), yang diawali dengan gambar-gambar sederhana yang dipahat di dinding-dinding gua, berkembang menjadi tulisan yang menggunakan simbol-simbol khusus yang mewakili maksud/makna tertentu seperti pada contoh tulisan mesir kuno dan terus berkembang menjadi tulisan dengan menggunakan huruf seperti sekarang.

Ketika kita berbicara mengenai menulis, mungkin yang ada di benak sebagian besar orang hanyalah sebuah kegiatan yang hanya melibatkan pena dan kertas yang membosankan dan tidak menyenangkan. Akan tetapi, bagi sebagian orang lainnya menulis merupakan sebuah hobi yang sangat menarik dan menyenangkan. Bahkan dari hobi yang tadinya hanya sekedar kegiatan pengisi waktu luang tersebut banyak orang telah mendapat pencapaian besar dalam hidupnya. Sebagai contoh kita bisa melihat Andrea Hirata yang telah berhasil menjadi seseorang yang dikenal luas di masyarakat karena buah karyanya yang fenomenal, Laskar Pelangi. Hal ini sangat membanggakan, mengingat latar belakang pendidikannya adalah ekonomi, dan jelas tak ada sangkut pautnya dengan dunia sastra. Selain Andrea Hirata, satu orang lagi yang cukup menggebrak dalam dunia kepenulisan adalah JK Rowling, sang penulis novel Harry Potter yang sudah dialihbahasakan ke berbagai bahasa dan sekarang sudah sangat familiar bagi sebagian besar warga dunia. Konon kabarnya royalti yang beliau dapatkan dari hasil karyanya tersebut sudah berhasil mensejajarkan kekayaannya dengan ratu Elizabeth dari Inggris. Ini adalah salah satu bukti bahwa hobi yang dikembangkan secara konsisten akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang bisa dibangakan.

Hobi menulis merupakan sebuah hobi yang sangat positif. Dengan menulis seseorang dapat berhubungan dengan jutaan orang melalui tulisannya dan berbagi ide serta pemikiran melalui kata-kata tanpa perlu bersuara.

Kegiatan menulis apabila dikerjakan secara berkesinambungan akan menghasilkan dampak-dampak positif bagi si penulis. Menulis dapat membantu seseorang mengembangkan kepribadiannya, sebab dengan menulis seseorang akan lebih mengenal dirinya sendiri, pemikiran-pemikirannya, mengetahui apa yang disukai dan dibenci oleh dirinya, apa yang benar-benar diinginkannya, serta membantu mengembangkan kepekaan terhadap lingkungan di sekitarnya. Dengan demikian orang tersebut akan berkembang menjadi seseorang yang mampu berpikir kritis dan inovatif dalam menghadapi setiap masalah yang timbul dalam hidupnya.

Selain itu, kegiatan menulis juga bermanfaat untuk menambah pengetahuan kita. Sebab untuk menjadi seorang penulis yang baik tentunya kita harus menjadi pembaca yang baik pula. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk membuat suatu tulisan yang berkualitas mengenai suatu hal kita harus mampu mengungkapkan hal tersebut dari berbagai sudut pandang sebagai bahan perbandingan dengan tujuan untuk mempertegas maksud serta menguatkan argumen yang kita ungkapkan.

Terlepas dari semua manfaat hobi menulis yang saya sebutkan diatas, tak banyak diantara kita yang memiliki kegemaran ini. Bukanlah suatu hal yang aneh ketika seseorang mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak suka menulis karena menulis itu membosankan, atau karena ia mengalami banyak hambatan selama proses mencoba menulis seperti kehabisan ide atau merasa tak memiliki bakat untuk menulis.
Tapi justru disanalah letak dari seni menulis itu sendiri. Inspirasi tak perlu kita cari, karena ia yang akan menghampiri kita pada saat yang tepat.

Mengutip dari perkataan salah satu dosen mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia di UPI ini, ”Stuck saat menulis adalah orgasme terbesar bagi seorang penulis, karena orang yang tidak menulis takkan pernah tahu seperti apa rasa puas yang kita dapat ketika berhasil menerobos jalan buntu dalam pikiran kita”. Bukankah akan sangat menyenangkan sekali apabila kita dapat membuat sebuah tulisan, kemudian tulisan tersebut mendapat apresiasi dari orang yang membacanya, terlebih apabila tulisan kita itu dapat dimuat di media massa dan mendapat penghargaan ataupun pujian dari khalayak?

Oleh karena itu, marilah kita galakkan hobi menulis di kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa, karena ciri majunya peradaban suatu bangsa akan terlihat dari berapa banyaknya tulisan (buku) yang dibuat oleh bangsa itu. Sudah saatnya bangsa kita bangkit dari keterpurukan di berbagai bidang selama ini. Jangan takut untuk menulis, karena sekali lagi, menulis bukanlah persoalan bakat.

Advantages of Homeschooling

Homeschooling has been a controversy since it’s rising in Indonesia several years ago. Many people consider it as ineffective way of education. But in fact, home schooling gives the families more advantages than the ordinary formal schools. Here are some of the advantages:

First, most of homeschooled students have educational freedom. They are free to choose what they want to study at anytime and anywhere they want. It doesn’t mean that they don’t learn the basic materials, but the materials are given depends on the students’ ability, maturity and interest level. They can progress quickly or slowly, according to their abilities.

Secondly, homeschooling enable the parents and the kids to be flexible in their schedule. They will find a kind of physical freedom when they are no longer revolving the school hours, homework, or the school calendar. They have more chance to have more vacations and visit parks or museums every week.

Besides, the homeschooled students also have emotional freedom since they spend time in a diverse, real world environment and they are free of peer pressure, competitions, boredom, or bullies; which often happen in the formal schools today.

The families also get a religious freedom, because homeschooling provides the opportunity for them to incorporate their beliefs into their daily lives. Parents can transmit their values to children and shelter them from negative influence.

One of the most advantageous points of homeschooling is it creates a closer relationship between the parents and the children. Its flexibilities help the family trough their difficult times, such as when they move from a city to another, a new baby, an illness, a death in the family, or another obstacle.

Finally, the homeschooled students have more time to rest. Early classes in formal schools are devastating for some students, especially for those who are not morning people. Homeschooling enables the students to study anytime they want.


Gary Soto (1995)
The first time I walked
With a girl, I was twelve,
Cold, and weighted down
With two oranges in my jacket.
December. Frost cracking
Beneath my steps, my breath
Before me, then gone,
As I walked toward
Her house, the one whose
Porch light burned yellow
Night and day, in any weather.
A dog barked at me, until
She came out pulling
At her gloves, face bright
With rouge. I smiled,
Touched her shoulder, and led
Her down the street, across
A used car lot and a line
Of newly planted trees,
Until we were breathing
Before a drugstore. We
Entered, the tiny bell
Bringing a saleslady
Down a narrow aisle of goods.
I turned to the candies
Tiered like bleachers,
And asked what she wanted -
Light in her eyes, a smile
Starting at the corners
Of her mouth. I fingered
A nickel in my pocket,
And when she lifted a chocolate
That cost a dime,
I didn't say anything.
I took the nickel from
My pocket, then an orange,
And set them quietly on
The counter. When I looked up,
The lady's eyes met mine,
And held them, knowing
Very well what it was all

A few cars hissing past,
Fog hanging like old
Coats between the trees.
I took my girl's hand
in mine for two blocks,
Then released it to let
Her unwrap the chocolate.
I peeled my orange
That was so bright against
The gray of December
That, from some distance,
Someone might have thought
I was making a fire in my hands.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Twitter  I did it!  I swore I would not because I thought it was silly.  I joined to help promote my shop
especially since this is my first holiday sales season.   I have an Etsy friend who has two great shops (check out the link).  She has been very helpful to me and I think she knows her way around Etsy. 

This morning I was looking at my blogger homepage and I saw her blog.  She hasn't been posting for a long time and lo and behold there were some new posts.  One involved a giveaway that she was running on Twitter. What a great idea!  ....aaaand she has 2,000 followers.  How does this happeen.  Thinking this was a great idea to get my shop url out there became a twerp tweeter.  Let's see what happens. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When the cat's away, the mice...

This lady sells on Dawanda, the European version of Etsy.  http://en.dawanda.com/shop/jonalili
Take a look at what she does....beautiful work.  This bag is the buttercup pattern which I am using of late.  Lots of sexy pleats.

Time Does NOT fly....

....it conspires against us!  This morning I awakened to reality. when I got a look at the end of the egg carton.  Please do not panic...it is not November 27th, however it is the 11th.  The egg carton is a warning.  AMH, you are not alone. 

The reality of not having two consecutive days to myself between today and the the day after Christmas has given me a stomach ache.

We have more social events this Holiday season than usual.....That makes it the season of cream cheese, candied nuts, nice wine, turkeys and ham!  ..and what will I wear????? And prayers that whatever I select still fits. Now THAT's a stomach ache.  This year, I am going to volunteer to bring appetizers to each event.  On party day I will go straight from the hairdresser to the supermarket where elves make partytrays you can buy. 

I am participating in a craft faire at church where I will sell my handmade goodies. As soon as I make them, that is ...and as soon as our friend, John, who brings us the mail, delivers the zippers and interfacing I need to get my work done.

The altar banner for the next two Sundays is not quite together....part of it is on my cutting table and the rest dwells in Jane's creative brain.  It will reach completion and installation on Friday.  

Logged onto my Etsy Shop and two things happened:  1) there are only nine items for sale and (that means the virtual shelves are nearly bare.  2) there was a new icon and link right there at the top  of my site in holiday colors that said "Holiday Gift Guide".......WHAT IS THAT??  Etsy stuck it there in the night!  I have a sinking feeling that I know what it is, and sure enough one click and I find that perhaps I should have been making things for my shop that were holiday in theme.  If I want to participate in this gift guide I better get moving and make some goodies, photograph them, and list them NOW.  You know, things like 'stocking stuffers' and 'gifts for everyone' kind of goodies.

I am sorry for the whine, and I know that it happens to all of us every year.  Denial, brain dammage, ego trips "oh, sure, I can do that".....whatever,  I still have my love of the  Christmas season. HO HO HO!
Tomorrow, I will tell you all about what Garth has been doing.....(hint...'stuff a bus'.....buying turkeys to feed 60 homeless......etc.)

Off to the self-imposed sweatshop!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I made some stuff yesterday.......

At about 3 am the panic set in!  By 4:30 am,  still couldn't sleep.  This is not productive...I neeeeeeeed to make lists.  So up I get and start getting organized.  I worked until dinner time.  Coming and going in too many directions at once and not one whit of organization.  Church banner completed and that is about IT!  EEEEK....Craft Faire at Church coming up....and what do I want offer folks to buy at my booth.  I have bags and purses and one half-done apron, uncompleted projects strewn all over my studio.  By the way....It is not a sewing room or craft room......"it is my fibre arts studio"  If I give my workspace some class and a highfalutin name; ergo classy and highfalutin projects will come out of there.  Forget that I share the space with the washer, dryer and the cat's dish.

First thing....I made this wool houndstooth bag and uploaded it to my Etsy shop.  The virtual shelves need  restocking for winter and Christmas shoppers.

I also made a wristlet for the shop with this beautiful Koi Asian print.  Look at the lining.....little gold dots on red.

I plan on making a couple of rather fancy ones for the gals to wear to holiday parties.

Finally, I made 12 travel tissue holders to sell at the Faire....

You all know that I adore Flikr....There is a lot on my photostream that is new.  Take a look.

Amber Hall over at  Creative Little Daisy has a bee in her bonnet and is encouraging us to get going and get busy crafting.....there are tutorials and links to just about anything you might want to make.

Now I am off to the studio to get with it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stuffing for French Onion Dumplings: 11.06.09

3 lbs cooked meatloaf mixture
3 lbs grated gruyere
3 lbs caramelized onions

- combine thoroughly

Buckwheat Spaetzle for Halibut: 11.06.09

4 cups sour cream
12 eggs
1 Tbsp dijon mustard
2 Tbsp salt
1 tsp white pepper
3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups ground buckwheat

- combine all ingredients and push through a perforated hotel pan into another hotel pan of barely simmering water
- remove as they float to ice water and toss with vegetable oil to prevent sticking

Mushroom Mousse for Sashimi: 11.06.09

1 cup mushroom juice (from roasted mushrooms)
1 cup heavy cream
1 tsp agar agar

- bring juice and cream to a simmer; whisk in agar agar and cook on low heat 5 minutes
- strain through chinois into bowl inserted in ice bath
- whisk vigorously until cool and transfer to pastry bag