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Monday, February 21, 2011

Top 5 Nitric Oxide Supplement in Times-Health Wishlist

There are a lot of new nitric oxide products coming onto the market. Nitric oxide is relatively new in the supplement world, but is extremely popular amongst bodybuilders and strength trainers. Personally when I saw the first nitric oxide supplements I thought it was pure hype and nitric oxide would go away. But results have proved me wrong. There are loads of guys getting excellent results from supplementing with NO2.

So what are the best nitric oxide supplements?


N.O.-XPLODE is BSN´s #1 selling extreme pre-training energy and performance igniter. From the very first serving you will experience elevated physical and mental energy, muscle-expanding pumps, unparalleled strength and stamina; not to mention tunnel-vision like mental focus, allowing you to zone in and have the best training session possible.* By combining all of these benefits in one knock-out formula, you will experience a level of training intensity that you never thought was imaginable, getting you physically and mentally dialed in for the training session that lies before you;* leaving those days of lackluster workouts behind. Once you train with N.O.-XPLODE, you will never train without it!

n order to stimulate muscular growth, you must train at a level of intensity greater than previously obtained; enter N.O.-XPLODE. The five proprietary blends contained in N.O.-XPLODE energize both body and mind, allowing you to obtain that level of intensity necessary to stimulate growth.

Jacking up your performance, N.O. Meta Fusion is a precise blend of vasodilators designed to increase blood flow and oxygen to working muscles, allowing for muscle expanding pumps.

N.O.-XPLODE´s Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix, now infused with AVPT Multi-Action Matrix, is a synergistic blend of novel creatine analogs designed to increase ATP production for your workout, allowing you to push a set past its normal limits.* The more ATP one has, the more times a muscle can be contracted, or the more muscle fibers that can be contracted, both leading to either more weight being lifted or more repetitions being executed; an increase in intensity that is fundamental for triggering muscle growth.                          
Contained within Ener-Tropic Xplosion, you have ingredients such as caffeine for energy, coupled with Vinca Alkaloids to increase mental focus; giving you that tunnel-vision like focus necessary to accomplish the task at hand.

To further aid in the process of ATP production, N.O.-XPLODE has also been packed with Phospho Electrolyte Replacers, key electrolytes integral for the production of creatine phosphate.

Finally, N.O.-XPLODE contains Glycerol Hydrating Polymers which, along with electrolytes, help keep the muscle cells properly hydrated and volumized.

To maximize performance and intensity, to push your body to its absolute human limits in the gym, try N.O.-XPLODE, because once you try it, you will never train without it!

2. Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump 250

In the pre-workout category, SuperPump250® is our reigning king of dramatic effects. Consider all this with the additional effects of explosive energy and acute mental focus, and you're left with seemingly very little to consider.*

Why SuperPump 250
  • Twice Independently Tested
  • Significant Increases in Lean Mass & Strength
  • Causes Rapid and Measurable Full Body Pumps
  • Stimulates Roadmap Vascularity
  • Triggers Explosive Energy and Acute Mental Focus
  • Simultaneously Reduces Body Fat Percentage
  • Effects Become Noticeably More Potent Over Time With Regular Use
In the Pre-workout category, SuperPump 250™ is the reigning King of dramatic effects. Athletes who try SuperPump virtually never go back to any other pre-workout supplement, and its effects are so profound that the thought of training without it is simply out of the question for most users. In the groundbreaking independent clinical trial, increases in lean muscle mass nearly tripled in a single workout with just 1 dose of SuperPump 250™ as compared to not taking the supplement.

If that's not enough, body fat percentages simultaneously dropped as opposed to no changes in body fat recorded without the supplement. Consider all this with the added effects of explosive energy, mental focus and strength, and you're left with seemingly very little to consider. Ask anyone who tries this super anti-catabolic powerhouse and you'll hear the same answer over and over – you're going to look and feel incredible on SuperPump 250!

Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump 250 has been developed through extensive research and has been shown in independent laboratory testing to promote explosive increases in lean mass and muscle size in your very first workout! SuperPump 250 has also been shown to illicit a simultaneous reduction in unwanted body fat! In one fell swoop, Gaspari Nutrition has made all other nitric oxide and creatine supplements obsolete. Thanks to a precise formulation of ingredients designed to enhance anabolic signaling and nutrient delivery, SuperPump 250 delivers skin-tearing pumps, road-map vascularity and incredible, explosive workouts!.

3. Shock Therapy by Universal Nutrition

If you are looking for a pre-workout shake that will help power you up for the gym and make you feel like hitting the plates, wait no longer. The nitric oxide (NO) activators, creatine and stimulants in this formula will revitalize you while helping to make you seem more vascular and gain size. Shock Therapy can actually motivate you to get into the gym and hit the weights! Unlike many of the other pre-workout NO products on the market, we include an antioxidant complex that is essential when taking nitric oxide stimulating ingredients, due to their oxidative nature on human cells. Now you can have the "perpetual pump," the extreme workout you crave, and keep your body safe from the free radicals that are generated as a side effect of the nitric oxide activation process.

Why Shock Therapy ?
Why should you choose Universal Nutrition's Shock Therapy? It Works. If you want to get energized and motivated in the gym, Shock Therapy is for you. This formula will make for some very intense workouts that will help you put up more weight and will result in mass gains. Your body will feel jacked all day from the blood rushing to your muscle tissue transporting needed nutrients for real growth. We don't use any sugar so there is no worry about fat gains. We use the highest quality ingredients, from creatine all the way to our antioxidant blend. You won't find another product like Shock Therapy; it is truly original amongst pre-workout energizers and cell volumizers.
It has a healthier formula. Since Shock Therapy helps your body create more nitric oxide, you need an anti-oxidant complex to scavenge the hazardous free radicals that are released as a result of the nitric oxide process. Our competitors aren't keeping your health in mind; we are.
It has a better formula. Shock Therapy uses R-ALA to help insert the creatine and nitric oxide stimulating components into circulation, whereas the competition either does not use any form of alpha lipoic acid or uses the standard ALA, which has been proven to be less effective than R-ALA. Many individuals do not like to ingest aspartame and favor sweeteners such as sucralose. Shock Therapy does not use any aspartame, while some of the other popular supplements do. Shock Therapy™ from Universal Nutrition. The one, comprehensive supplement that can change the way you train. Jam-packaged with energy factors, growth nutrients, antioxidants and nootropic "brain boosters", Shock Therapy™ can be your greatest ally in the war against training monotony and progress plateaus. With Shock Therapy™ you'll never go through the motions again.

VPX sports supplements NO-Shotgun® MHF-1 is the first muscle building supplement of its kind to use a superior synergistic blend of effective compounds combined with a cutting-edge pharmaceutical delivery system that yields mind blowing, skin bursting effects, while additionally enhancing recovery and protein synthesis. Compounds such as Creatine (CEX™), Arginine (AEX™), Glutamine (GEX™), Beta-Alanine (BAEX™) and Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAEX™) that are each combined with Ethyl Ester (EX™) technology to insure maximum absorption and uptake! The Ethyl Ester Compounds used in NO-Shotgun® help these potent muscle building ingredients enter the bloodstream nearly 100% intact, as opposed to the same ingredients without EX™ technology that might only be absorbed at 15% to 40%. This highly advanced EX™ technology shuttles these NO-Shotgun® compounds across the muscle cell membrane where they can cause explosive muscle growth! VPX highly recommends stacking pre-workout NO-Shotgun®

University Research Proven to Alter Muscle at the Genetic Level. NO-SHOTGUN MHF-1™ Activates Satellite Cell Proliferation to Promote Muscle Hyperplasia - The Birth of New Muscle*. NO-SHOTGUN MHF-1™ generated the most ground breaking University research in the history of Muscle Science.

  • Contains REDLINE® & MELTDOWN’S powerful fat burning and energy technology for mind blowing intensity!
  • GBB and MTB Pump (Magnesium Tanshinoate B) for Nitric Oxide induced skin splitting pumps.
  • 40,000 milligrams of anabolic PROTEIN FRACTIONS in just one serving! No cheap dextrose or waxy maize fillers.
  • With BCAA’s & Fractionated Protein Peptides for maximal muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention - to important markers of muscle growth!
  • Fueled by Research proven PeptoPro and BPOV for maximum insulin secretion and insulin receptor site sensitivity. Insulin is the most anabolic of all hormones! No carbs, waxy maize starch or sugars needed.
  • With COP™ (Creatinol-O-Phosphate) to enhance anaerobic glycolysis and CPT (di-Na Creatine PhosphateTetrahydrate) -- two designer creatines proven in VPX labs to be resistant to conversion to creatinine. This eliminates bloating and allows transport of intact COP and CPT into muscle tissue!
  • Beta-Alanine is a hyper-performance ingredient used to increase whole body creatine retention to crank out more sets and more muscle-blasting reps for increased lean mass!
  • Satellite Cell Activators for maximal new Muscle Cell Division Hyperplasia! This means larger existing muscle fibers and splitting of these fibers to create totally new muscle.
  • Arnold himself referred to “The Pump” as something “Better Then Sex!” It is “The Pump” that signals us hard training athletes lifting for size and definition that we are maximizing our efforts in the gym.
  • NO-Shotgun® fuels episodes of physical intensity to induce insane muscle pumps that can lead to muscle growth. The biochemical and physiological response to NO-Shotgun® when combined with intense resistance training causes extra trauma to occur to trained muscle. Greater resistance to muscle results in significantly increased internal pressure (the pump)…And as you know, the better the pump the greater the trauma caused to muscle-tissue. The end result: increased ability to build larger muscle!
  • NO-Shotgun® is the most advanced product of its kind…Bar none! VPX is so confident in the effectiveness of NO-SHOTGUN® that we have a $100,000 offer on the table to ANY supplement company that can conclusively prove – in a double-blind University Study – that their product is better at producing lean muscle, generating greater ATP production for more explosive workouts and initiating NO induced, blood engorged pumps.
  • Be your own scientist, order NO-Shotgun® today... Not to mention mind blowing workouts, skin bursting muscle pumps and massive increases in lean muscle tissue!

5. Muscletech NaNo Vapor

Team MuscleTech™ researchers bring you the second coming...a new naNO Vapor® Hardcore Pro Series formula that has literally changed bodybuilding forever.

Why NaNo Vapor ?
You may think you've been training hard and your regular pre-workout formula is getting the job done. The fact is that most regular pure arginine formulas may not be delivering the workout experience you need to pack on muscle. This is not another "same old" version of a generic nitric oxide formula. Team MuscleTech™ researchers bring you the second coming . . . a new naNO Vapor® Hardcore Pro Series formula that has literally changed bodybuilding forever. Its scientifically advanced power is unprecedented. 

It's a nitric oxide pre-workout formula designed with scientifically studied key ingredients shown in scientific research to build eight times more muscle, instantly increase strength and change your training experience on your very first dose!

It's one thing to feel something happening when you take your pre-workout supplement, but it's another story altogether when you're supplying your muscles with the exact amounts of key ingredients shown to build muscle in published research. Case in point - just two of the multiple key ingredients in the new naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula are shown to help test subjects gain eight times more muscle than control subjects in just eight weeks (3.72 vs. 0.41 lbs.)! You can read about even more science backing the new naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula by clicking on the science tab.

The overwhelming potency of this powerful new formula will deliver an experience unlike ever before. When you're on naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series, your mental alertness and focus are dramatically enhanced and you feel stronger than ever. In fact, in a third-party, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 18 subjects taking a key ingredient in naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series instantly increased strength on the chest press by 18.3% compared to when using a placebo (5,254 vs. 4,442 lbs. of total weight lifted).

Stack with that a white-hot intensity and the new musclebuilding power of this formula's key components, and you have a knockout combination for an explosive workout that drives long-term, solid muscle gains.

A key musclebuilding compound in naNO Vapor® Hardcore Pro Series is shown in third-party research to help test subjects gain significantly more muscle. As published in the prestigious journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22 untrained test subjects were divided into three groups. At the end of just 12 weeks, the subjects consuming a key musclebuilding compound gained 7.12 pounds of muscle while subjects using a placebo gained only 1.30 pounds!

Another independent scientific study conducted at the University of Sao Paulo with 20 subjects, separated into two groups of 10, showed those subjects using key ingredients in the naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula gained 8 times more muscle than control subjects in just 8 weeks (3.72 vs. 0.41 lbs.)! Researchers in this third-party study theorized that one of the key ingredients in this complex increased the stimulus of intense training ��" enhancing muscle gains.

In other university studies, one more component of the new naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula was shown to stimulate the release of catecholamines, trigger extreme mental focus and crank up strength by 18.3%. In a third-party, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 18 subjects taking a key ingredient in naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series increased strength on the chest press by 18.3% compared to when using a placebo (5,254 vs. 4,442 lbs. of total weight lifted).

After developing and perfecting the nitric oxide pump-inducing naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series formula, Team MuscleTech™ researchers employed a state-of-the-art delivery system putting particle science to work for you: Micro-Diffuse Technology™. The advanced technological system delivers smaller micron-sized particles of a key musclebuilding ingredient with enhanced dissolution and dispersion properties.

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