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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Soybean Are Good Fish Meal Alternative

A new study has suggested that fermented soybean meal and enzyme-treated soybean meal may replace fish meal in weanling fish diets.Soybeans contains carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals like calcium, folic acid and iron. The protein in soybean has all the essential amino acids that is adequate for human health.

These new sources of soybean meal might be the answer producers are looking for to keep costs down without sacrificing digestibility of important amino acids.In our study, we conclude the digestibility of amino acids in these two new sources of soybean meal in comparison to fish meal, casein and soy protein isolate.

Health Benefits of Soybean :

  • Soybean is an excellent food for diabetic patient.
  • It is easily digested and is one of the most nourishing and body building foods in the world.
  • It is especially good for growing children to aid growth and development.
  • Soybean has high lecithin content and is therefore excellent for mental fatigue and for protection against cholesterol deposits.
  • It has been claimed that lecithin lowers blood cholesterol through emulsification of fats and is valuable against the development and hardening of the arteries and all the complications of the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes that follow.
  • Lecithin is a brain food, a tonic, energizer, natural supplement.

  • It has been reported that diabetic patients were successfully treated with lecithin.
  • It has also been reported that lecithin is effective in treating psoriasis.
  • Prevents gall stones, when adequate lecithin is included in the diet.
  • Liquid lecithin application helps heal bed sores and persistent diaper rash.It is also reported to prevent pellagra, the disease marked by disturbances of the stomach and intestines, skin eruptions and many nervous symptoms such as melancholia.
  • Because of the high content of linoleic and linolenic acids (unsaturated fatty acids), this food is conducive to a healthy skin and corrects many cases of eczema.
  • The pure pressed oil is used for skin conditions, as it contain the natural and lecithin. Soybeans have about twenty times more alkali than milk.
  • Lecithin has the ability to increase the gamma globulin content of the blood . The gamma globulins are known to be associated with the natures protective force against the attack of various infections in the body, thus increasing immunity.
  • Enjoying soy foods daily for just 6 months can be enough to exert beneficial effects on bone in menopausal women. All the traditional soy-foods (tofu, soy milk, temp-eh and miso) provide 30 to 40 mg isoflavones per serving.
  • The fiber in soybeans also provides preventative therapy for several other conditions. Fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins and remove them from the body, so they can't damage colon cells.
Nutritional Facts Of Soybean :

Soybean Nutritional Content

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