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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soda: The Worst Food Imposter On The Planet

Want to know the solid facts?
1/2 of us will die from heart disease; about a 1/3 from cancer;2/3 of us will die obese; and 1/4 of us will get diabetes. All of this is because of our love of behaviors and products that eventually killed us. I will not argue that genetics plays a part in medical propensities for certain diseases, but nothing in my family history could prepare use for a three Big Mac, 2 milkshakes and a diet soda consumer demand driven society. 

Many people do not even know that the amount of food, and especially the types of food they eat, could be directly increasing their chances for ailment and actually robbing them of the very nutrients they were thought to be providing. One huge, pseudo food market is the soda pop industry. This liquid is manufactured, canned and bottled for distribution worldwide at a rate of 150mg of high power fructose for every person on Earth daily.
Soda pop is liquid high fructose corn syrup and/or artificial sweetener mixed with water and carbonated soda, allowing for an immediate flood of simple, processed carbohydrates and sugars to overwhelm the bloodstream and insulin processing systems in crashing waves.

 This can serious erode health and contribute to an imbalance in the body’s ability to handle energy usage and storage management efficiency, leading to diabetic problems or the excess storage of fat. Fat storage of the sugars contained in sodas is quite common as the body cannot possible utilize the amount of sugar rushing into its system during consumption, and thus is instead turned into fat and sent to all of your “unsightly” places. A soda usually contains in excess of 150 empty calories each. People who consume 2 sodas a week will gain ten pounds a year throughout their lifetime if these calories are not burned off. Also exacerbating weight is the fact that the main sugar in soda, fructose, when processed by the liver, is often turned into fat and stored instead of burned off as energy calories. Combined with the fact that fructose also has a tendency to create craving but leave little satisfaction for hunger makes for an equation for weight gain disaster.

Not only does soda’s extra calories and lack of nutrients contribute to higher risk of obesity, these products have also been known to strip the body of much needed calcium, weakening or even causing the wasting away of bone mass. The kamikaze style of entry and processing by the body can further complicate the risk of diabetes or other maladies associated with the body’s resistance to insulin.

Some researchers have even contended that soft drink beverage consumption might even contribute to a person’s risk of contracting certain types of cancers. While the sugars in soft drinks can be avoided with the use of artificial sweeteners, studies have shown them to carry and even higher incident of cancer and other serious ailments that fructose. My suggestion would be to avoid the soda altogether, and make all natural, calorie free, water your main beverage and favorite drink. Your body will thank you for it.

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