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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Empty Threats..

The heat is still on up here!  Most of the garden looks pretty sad, but in a few weeks we can see what survived, cut it back and get ready for fall planting.  For years I have tried to grow phlox and peonies, and they never make it. This Helebore will come back....just don't look now.

But the phlox and peonies....I am throwing in the trowel for good on those guys.  Can't handle the disappointment.   I gave the backyard 'the word'...."if you don't like it here...out you go! " Oh, the power!  

Actually, you might want to check back here in February or March when it is cold and there is some snow.  I will be tearing through my box of plant and seed catalogs to find the newest and best.  Then there is the Garden Club's
annual plant sale.....we will come home laden with plants.   All the summer rants and raves about how it is the plant's fault for not thriving in 100 degree heat month after month will have been forgotten. sew.  Why I am wasting these perfectly good cool hours blogging is beyond me.  Check out Garden Rant blog.  It is down there on the right in my blog roll.  I wish I knew these gals!

Today, I am going to putter on the deck until it is too hot to breathe, then come in and sew.  Why I am wasting these perfectly good cool hours blogging is beyond me. 

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