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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blogging in the sphere...

Every morning I go to my own blog, where I have my blog roll of favorites.  I read them....then check out their blog roll and on and on until I have no idea where I got where I am.   Then I feel the need to blog  here.  I know that I have two (2) followers and when I check my Sitemeter the numbers are single digit hits.

I make it a point to visit certain blogs,  Autum Hall at Creative Little Daisy has just installed a new stainless counter top.  She blogged about that and we all were thrilled.  How she develped a following is perfectly clear....personality, enthusiasm, tutorials and just a lovely lady.  This summer she did not post for weeks, and finally I send her an email asking if she was allright!  I received a friendly reply advising that she was fine, but was very busy.

Anna Maria Horner has the most fabulous fabric and a very folksy blog.   I wouldn't miss it.  I can see what draws people to her.

I need to know how to reach more folks and invite them read my blog.  I really have no theme, so I have decided that since my time is spent making bags right now,  I should concentrate on that.  I am a quilter too, and will try to squoosh some quilting thoughts and photos in as well.

Here is my newest creation (made from a pattern by Michelle Webster at  Keyka Lou
I tinkered with two of her patterns and am pleased with the result.  If I named my bags, this could be called "Whaddya doin' New Years Eve?"........

 Pearls and a wine glass on satin with the gentleman's pocket watch a few minutes after midnight and the lady's evening bag open......is that sexy, or what?

p.s. This fabric is so lovely....click on the photo to enlarge......

You purchase a pattern from her on Etsy and right away download it as a pdf.  Instant gratifiction.
Her blog http://www.keyka.typepad.com/ is chock full of tips, tutorials, instructions questions answered.  All in all, a really super find. 

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