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Sunday, July 24, 2011

How Can I Get Beautiful Skin

Of all the products on the market for skin care, can achieve and maintain the skin like a big waste of time. But in just five minutes twice a day, you have beautiful skin. Many products promise to clear skin at night, but according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) at the beginning of a new skin care, it is up to 8 weeks before you notice a difference in skin texture and appearance in general .

The following steps are given below:

  • Choose a facial cleanser for your skin type. Normal skin type, sensitive, oily, dry or mixed. While the first four are obvious, combination skin with dry cheeks fat usually T-zone. People with acne often have oily skin, choose facial cleansers with salicylic acid acne fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide.
  • Wash your face at least twice a day when you wake up in the morning before going to bed. This is especially true if the make-up clogs the pores, because no evening.
  • Apply moisturizer. In the face of cleaning, make sure that the cream of moisture, which is for your skin type. Moisturisers, applied at least twice a day. That is, when your face is dry, all day, packing even more moisturizer because it feels when the skin is dry, due to loss of water causes the skin to a new database, beautiful book of lute. According to the University of Iowa Health Topics moisturizers should be applied within three minutes after washing to the shortcut, helps the skin moisture.
  • Scraping peeling once a week, dead cells, which appear to be removed through the skin young and healthy.
  • Apply sunscreen before you leave home. AAD after many skin problems such as discoloration, wrinkles, skin texture and leaves may be responsible for frequent sun exposure can be made. Wear at least SPF 30 on the face, is to minimize the risk of harmful radiation and eliminating damage caused by the morning sun. Sunscreen sunscreen for the body, heavy and oily for some sensitive areas on your face to get. There are many moisturizers available on the face, and as a component of sunscreens.


  • If you have dry skin, you should wash your face at night as suggested; however, unless you sweat during the night, only use water without cleanser the following morning. Apply moisturizer as usual. Individuals with oily skin should use oil-free products.
  • If a rash, and stop using the product. For people with rosacea or other skin diseases, with dermatologists in determining the treatment of skin diseases. Exfoliating can irritate the skin.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Leche de Piñón for Scallops: 7.22.2011

1 qt half & half
2 cups pine nuts
1 Tbsp honey
2 tsp salt

- puree in blender and squeeze out through cheesecloth; adjust seasoning if necessary

Fertilizer Affecting Our Water Quality

Nothing says Spring and Summer like the color green appearing everywhere.  The massive use of phosphorus fertilizers is a common  ritual and is currently drawing a lot of attention.  Phosphorus use worldwide is affecting our quality of life.  The countdown to Summer correlates with the smell of lawn fertilizers in many places.  Are they helpful, necessary and healthy?
The Feb. 14 edition of the journal Environmental Research Letters featured an article written by Stephen Carpenter of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Elena Bennett of McGill University.  They have discovered that the human use of phosphorous, primarily in the industrialized world, is causing the widespread eutrophication of fresh surface water. Add to that he discovery that global stocks of usable phosphorous are concentrated in just a few countries and are running out, posing the risk of global shortages within the next 20 years.  You can read the article here.

The overuse affects the quality of our water.  ”Phosphorous stimulates the growth of algae and weeds near shore and some of the algae can contain cyanobacteria, which are toxic. You lose fish. You lose water quality for drinking.” says Carpenter.  North American soils are already loaded with the mineral, yet more is added in what seems to be a waste of a mineral that could be put to better use somewhere where the soil is deficient, like Africa and Australia.
Deposits of phosphorus take millions of years to form.  Some statess have taken the water quality issue seriously enough to propose and or pass a ban on using lawn fertilizers for established lawns.  Read about it here and here.  So before you spread fertilizer this Spring, research this issue and consider using phosphorus free fertilizer to keep our water clean and healthy for ourselves and for future generations.

This article is reblogged from http://blog.ecoetsy.com

Friday, July 22, 2011

Green Gazpacho for Scallops: 7.22.2011

1 cs green tomatoes, peeled and chopped
40 shishito peppers
5 granny smith apples, chopped
2 bunches scallions, chopped
4 ribs celery, peeled and chopped
8 garlic cloves
3/4 cup anise hyssop
1 bunch parsley, chopped
1/2 cup salt
1 qt olive oil
2 cups glucose syrup
1 cup sherry vinegar

- combine all ingredients in a large container and allow to macerate for one hour
- thoroughly puree in blender; stir well before each use

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

World Amazing Nature Photos

World Amazing Nature Photos

World Amazing Nature Photos is an extremely popular career and hobby for those who choose to express their creativity through the majesty of planet Earth.